Many of the problems of the world find their expression in the microcosm of the counseling profession. Counselors must be able to look beyond the current field of cross-cultural and multicultural counseling and develop skills and knowledge relevant to international interaction of multiple languages, races, ethnicities, and lifestyles. This book provides insight into counselor education programs designed for the 21st century and includes a broad introduction to a variety of cultural terms and their implications for counseling. It provides techniques and paradigms recommended for counseling individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, and it shows a historical evolution of transcultural counseling and its significance in a changing world. Chapters are: (1) "Historical Approaches in Transcultural Counseling" (John McFadden); (2) "Existential Worldview Theory: Transcultural Counsling" (Farah A. Ibrahim); (3) "Stylistic Model for Transcultural Counseling" (John McFadden); (4) "Transcendent Counseling: A Transcultural Theory" (Winifred O. Stone); (5) "Transcultural Family Counseling: Theories and Techniques" (David A. Kahn); (6) "Rational Behavioral Therapy: An Approach to Transcultural Counseling" (Tony A. Gore and Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr.); (7) "Transcultural Counseling with American Indians and Alaskan Natives: Contemporary Issues for Consideration" (John Joseph Peregoy); (8) "Transcultural Counseling from African-American Perspectives" (Herbert A. Exum and Quincy L. Moore); (9) "Transcultural Counseling and the Hispanic Community" (Maria J. Beals and Kenneth L. Beals); (10) "Transcultural Counseling and the People of Asian Origin: A Developmental and Therapeutic Perspective" (Jia Wevhao and others); (12) "Evaluation and Assessment for Transcultural Counseling" (J. Ronald Quinn); (13) "Curriculum Trends in Transcultural Counseling in Counselor Education" (Edwin L. Herr and Ellen S. Fabian). A summary, "Bilateral and International Perspectives" (John McFadden), concludes the book. (LSR)