Learn Microsoft Office 2000

Learn Microsoft Office 2000
Computers / General
Wordware Pub.
Russell Allen Stultz, Michael Busby


"Learn Microsoft Office 2000" provides a complete tutorial for every Microsoft Office 2000 application. Heavily illustrated hands-on activities get users up to speed quickly and reinforce the material discussed. In addition, advanced topics are highlighted throughout the text. These include security issues, protecting cells, automating work with macros, hyperlinking slides, and filtering e-mail messages.
Illustrations of the Office 2000 menus and toolbars are included on the companion CD with an explanation of the available options and buttons, providing a quick reference to all of Office 2000's tools. The CD also contains the files used in the hands-on activities throughout the book; the text of the book in HTML format; and three appendices, including a glossary of computer terminology.
Michael Busby is an electrical engineer and technical writer in Plano, Texas. He is a consultant, the president of Global Network Services, an international telecommunications company, and the author of "Demystifying TCP/IP(3rd Ed.)" (1-55622-665-9). Russell A. Stultz has written more than 45 books covering such subjects as software tutorials, programming languages, operating system references, and business. He is the founder, president, and chief executive officer of Wordware Publishing, Inc.

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