Fu Zhongwen's classic guide offers the best documentation available of the Yang style of taijiquan. The superbly detailed form instructions and historic line art drawings are based on Fu's many years as a disciple of Yang Chengfu, taijiquan's legendary founder. Also included are concise descriptions of fixed-step, moving-step, and da lu push hands practices. Additional commentary by translator Louis Swaim provides key insight into the text's philosophical language and imagery, further elucidating the art's cultural and historical foundations.
Practical Dao Chi: The Way of the Individual
This is the easiest yet most effective form of tai chi. Practice the seven simple movements every day and feel healthier and fully of energy.
Les Secrets du Taï-Chi du Papillon: Retrouver L'harmonie du Corps et de L'esprit
Taijiquan: The Art of Nurturing, the Science of Power
本书介绍了初学者入门的相关基础知识与基础训练内容, 讲解了声乐的综合基础知识, 最后通过歌曲细腻的赏析与演唱实践问题, 分析与探讨了演唱技巧并解决爱乐者的常见问题与困扰 ...
Tai Chi Chuan
Its author has literally transformed the planet by following the tenets of Taoism, and shares in this book not only how it happened to him, but how it can profoundly unfold the greatness trying to bloom through you and your life - and he ...
CHINESE SYMBOLISM OF THE SWORD man Magicians in ancient China were reputed to have driven off demons with swords . There also were swords forged out of the kidney and liver of a mythological hare from the Kuenlun Mountains .
Rend compte d'une double expérience de l'auteur : la pratique assidue du piano et du taï-chi-chuan. C. David a découvert leurs secrètes similitudes au fil des ans, et toujours grâce à des détails.