ICD-9-CM Workbook for Beginning Coders 2006, with Answers

ICD-9-CM Workbook for Beginning Coders 2006, with Answers
AHA Press
Janatha R. Ashton, Central Office on ICD-9-CM of the AHA


ICD-9-CM Workbook for Beginning Coders 2006, with Answer Key, 2005, 78 pages (plus 56 page Answer Key), 81⁄2" x 11", soft cover, ISBN 1-55648-326-0, AHA Order No. 148026, $49.00.This Workbook is a self-learning exercise companion to the ICD-9-CM Coding Handbook 2006, and it can also be used as an ancillary text for classroom study. It contains hundreds of self-learning exercises based on real health records. The case summary style of the exercises requires the student to consider the patients condition as well as all relevant information provided: medical history, reason for admission or encounter, laboratory results, procedures performed, and the diagnoses listed. In all exercises, student need to apply pertinent coding principles and official coding guidelines in making code assignments and designating the principal diagnosis and procedure for each episode of care in clean, technically correct language.Challenging practice drills test the users coding skills in a variety of realistic health care settingsfrom the physician office to inpatient care. The answer key shows a list of correctly assigned and appropriately sequenced codes. The list of codes for each exercise is followed by a comments section, which explains how the codes were assigned and why some codes were not assigned. The comments also direct readers to pertinent entries in the three volumes of ICD-9-CM and often include references to helpful discussions and guidelines in the ICD-9-CM Coding Handbook 2006.The Workbook is also available without the Answer Key Supplement (ICD-9-CM Workbook for Beginning Coders 2006, Without Answer Key, ISBN 1-55648-327-9, AHA Order No. 148027, $45.00).

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