Travel Essays from the Hudson Review Ronald Koury ... In the reliefs below, the King destroys the fleets and armies of the Chams; but above, the stone faces of Avalokiteshvara proclaim: it is vain, ... Returning, one sees Angkor Wat ...
Hewitt , R. 1986. White talk black talk . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Highfield , A. R. 1979. ... Structural and sociolinguistic aspects of German and Turkish foreigner - talk . In Sebba and Todd ( eds . ) 1984 : 153–166 .
Books in Print
The Fiji Economy, May 1987: Problems and Prospects
Australia , the Pacific and South East Asia . Serendipity Books , Box 340 , Nedlands , WA 6009 , Australia ( tel . 61-8 / 9382-2246 , fax 618 / 9388-2728 ) . The largest stocks of antiquarian , secondhand , and out - of - print books on ...
The historical research is thorough and scrupulous, and the presentation is lucid. Lal brings together a wealth of information, much of it previously unavailable and the earlier available materials often reframed in thought-provoking ways.
36 Fiji Sun, 23 December 2006. 37 The Fiji Times, 28 December 2006. 38 See The Fiji Times, 23 September 2000, and letters to The Fiji Times on 25 September and 30 September 2000. See also 'pacific people Building peace', update no.
Just as Indians in the colonial period clamoured for education , Fijians in independent Fiji have perceived education as the key to their survival and demanded that the government should make up for past neglect . 3.4 After May 1987 ...
Paperbound Books in Print
His Alliance Party, composed of Fijians, Chinese, Europeans, and some Indians, stayed in power until 1987. Although Fiji was an independent nation, the sovereign was still the king or queen of England, represented in the country by a ...