This report -- an overview of all the social metadata sites reviewed -- is one of three RLG Partner Social Metadata Working Group reports looking at the who, what, where, and whys of socially-contributed metadata. "Social metadata is a subset of user-generated content and takes many forms: tagging, comments, reviews, images, videos, ratings, recommendations, lists, links to related articles, etc."--Page 7.
This highly practical handbook teaches you how to unlock the value of your existing metadata through cleaning, reconciliation, enrichment and linking and how to streamline the process of new metadata creation.
This book examines the creation and development of participatory archives, its impact on archival theory, and present case studies of its real world application.
Frank Lyall and Paul B. Larsen, Space Law: A Treatise (Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2009), 37. 68. The agreement can be found at Cardiff University's website: “Cardiff University Electronic Theses and Dissertations Publication Form,” ...
[SHI 08] SHIRKYC., Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without Organizations, Penguin Books, London, 2008. [SMI 11a] SMITH-YOSHIMURA K., SHEIN C., Social Metadata for Libraries, Archives and Museums Part 1: Site Reviews, ...
[CON 09] CONTEH A., TZADOK A., “User collaboration in mass digitisation of textual materials”, Proceedings Cultural Heritage ... [DAU 14] DAUDEY E., HOIBIAN S., “La société collaborative : mythe et réalité”, Cahier de recherche, no.
The harvesting model reverses the process and permits WorldCat to obtain the records from a library. ... algorithmic extraction of metadata, particularly methods such as topic modeling, social network analysis, and document clustering.
The Handbook of Research on the Role of Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Achieving Civic Engagement and Social Justice in Smart Cities examines the application of tools and techniques in library and museum literacy in achieving civic ...
... Linked Open Data to find and create semantic links among 20 to 30 collections in libraries, archives, and museums and ... archives, and museums are addressed: open licensing of institutional metadata, tools for publishing metadata, ...
The book is a useful manual for archivists and information specialists working in cultural heritage institutions, including archives, libraries, and museums, providing detailed analyses of how metadata and standards are used to manage ...
It may be that more formal university-offered courses and subjects can learn from the success of these more modular, bite-sized offerings, readily available on the Web. Gartner forecast that by 2015, 4.4 million professionals with ...