This book is written to minimize frustration and maximize the likelihood of success by providing step-by-step, sequentially ordered behavioral exercises for treating the various speech subsystem disturbances exhibited by patients with motor speech disorders.
Addresses theory, assessment procedures, treatment and management, issues in swallowing and feeding, stuttering, augmentative and alternative communication methods, and functional treatment outcomes. Extensive references.
Cerri G, Cabinio M, Blasi V, et al. The mirror neuron system and the strange case of Broca's area. Human Brain Mapping. 2015:1010–1027. 20. Chen CH, Wu T, Chu NS. Bilateral cortical representation of the intrinsic lingual muscles.
Dysarthria And Apraxia: Current Therapy of Communication Disorders
Hixon TI, Hoit ID: Physical examination of the abdominal wall by the speech-language pathologist, Am I Speech-Lang Pathol 8:335, 1999. Hixon TI, Hoit ID: Physical examination of the diaphragm by the speech-language pathologist, ...
In C. Code (Ed.), The characteristics ofaphasia (pp. 53–74). Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis. Schwartz, D., & Halpern, H. (1973). Effect of body-image stimuli on verbal errors of dysphasic subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, ...
This text contains several noteworthy modifications. 1. DVD - contains 26 video segments showing children and adults with dysarthria and apraxia OF SPEECH engaged in a range OF speaking tasks.
Motor Speech Disorders
Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders
Based on selected papers given at the Conference on Motor Speech Disorders held in 1992 at Boulder, Colorado, this volume presents original research on a broad range of motor speech...
S. (1993). Dysarthria Examination Battery. San Antonio: Communication Skills Builders Duffy, J.R. (1995). ... Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 28, 345-355 Mitchell, H.L., Hoit, J.C., & Watson, P.J. ( 1996).