During the Cold War the Soviets' elite naval spetsnaz units earned the grudging respect of the world's special operations forces as the Eastern Bloc's toughest, best-trained commandos. Available for the first time in the West, this book tells the dramatic, action-packed story of the World War II forerunners of those spetsnaz - the naval ground reconnaissance detachments - as they led the Soviet advance through the Crimea with the Black Sea Fleet and through southeastern Europe with the Danube Flotilla.
Readers follow the expert swimmers, parachutists, skiers, mountain climbers, marksmen, and hand-to-hand combat specialists on one impossible mission after another, working behind German lines to gather intelligence and conduct partisan and diversionary-demolition operations. With prices on their heads, and hounded by ever growing numbers of German SS troops, the commandos lived by their wits and off the land, fighting their way out of every dangerous situation, blowing up bridges and fortifications, ambushing German patrols, snatching prisoners, and reporting enemy strengths. Commandos from the Sea reads like the best action/adventure fiction.
Based on interviews and archival research, this unique contribution to the history of special operations is a moving human drama of unorthodox characters who volunteer for suicide missions out of love for country, each other, and their commander, Senior Lieutenant Viktor Kalganov - known as "The Beard." Mr. Strekhnin's is the only account in English that details this little-known special warfare unit.
Brian Lavery, 'George Keitlt Elphinstone. Lord Keith' in Precursors of Nelson: Brink}: Aduumlt of the Ezghfeerstfx Cntlurjz eds P. le Fevre and R. Harding (London, £000); Oxford DNB; The Keith Papers (3 vols, Navy Records Society, 1927.
294 “within forty-eight hours”: Cockburn to Cochrane, July 17, 1814, in Crawford, ed., Naval War of 1812, 3:137–39; Irving Brant, James Madison, vol. 6: Commander in Chief, 1812–1836 (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1961), 285; Shomette, ...
《海军火力:巨舰大炮时代的舰炮和战术,着重从炮术角度重新审视了历史上多次意义深远的海战,对于了解舰炮海军火力、海战战术的发展,以及这些发展内在的动因和所导致的影响 ...
士兵训练从新兵训练营开始,新兵训练营主要是军人养成教育和基础军事技能培训。养成教育主要包括陆战队荣誉教育、纪律教育、队列训练和体能训练,基础军事技能培训主要包括两栖登陆基本知识、游泳、野外生存等。在通过12周新兵训练之后,刚刚成为陆战队员的 ...
John B. Hattendorf. Notes 2. Jack Snyder and David Alan Rosenberg , “ Reality and Responsibility : Power and Process in the Making of United States Nuclear Strategy , 1945–68 , ” The Journal of Strategic Studies , vol . 9 , no .
The two HQ ships - Bulolo ( Capt R. L. Hamer ) and Largs ( Cdr E. A. Divers , RNR ) – were of inestimable value.1 Capt R. L. Hamer : ret Jan 1929 ; Bulolo Nov 1942 ; NOIC , Thurso , March 1944 . A / Capt E. A. Divers , RNR : Lt Cdr 1936 ...
Rear Admiral William J. Holland , USN ( Ret . ) Ms. Christine G. Hughes Captain William Spencer Johnson IV , USN ( Ret . ) Dr. J. P. London The Honorable Robin B. Pirie Jr. Mr. Fred H. Rainbow Admiral J. Paul Reason , USN ( Ret . ) ...
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
"From the Battle of Flamborough Head during the American Revolution to the naval air wars over Vietnam and Kuwait, this historical atlas charts the course of the U.S. Navy across...