Families, Infants, & Young Children at Risk: Pathways to Best Practice

Families, Infants, & Young Children at Risk: Pathways to Best Practice
Medical / Pediatrics
Paul H. Brookes Pub.
Gail L. Ensher, David Albert Clark, Nancy S. Songer


The clearest, most comprehensive text available on the neurological and psycho-social development of children from birth to 8, this cutting-edge book will be the cornerstone of every early interventionist's education. Essential for preservice professionals across multiple disciplines--and for inservice practitioners in search of a reference they can trust-- this textbook helps readers fully understand child development, address the complex needs of children with disabilities and their families, and skillfully connect the latest clinical knowledge with everyday practice.

Illustrated with dozens of engaging and instructive photos, this text helps future professionals in education, medicine, and related clinical fields

  • meet state requirements for training in early childhood special education with complete coverage of the birth-8 period
  • understand the full range of issues-medical, psychosocial, cultural, developmental, and educational-affecting child development
  • ensure strong partnerships with professionals and families by learning about other disciplines and understanding the challenges parents face
  • address social-emotional factors at every stage of a child's early development
  • discover how clinical issues affect children in educational settings after the critical transition to school
  • develop sensitivity to diverse family needs through eye-opening vignettes and child-family studies

With this accessible core textbook and professional reference, early interventionists will be ready to work effectively with children who have or are at risk for developmental delays--and pool their knowledge and resources with professionals across disciplines to ensure the best outcomes for children and families.

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