This manual provides a system overview, procedures, and scoring information for K–3 classroom observation.
With clear guidance and background information, this manual gives you a comprehensive introduction to the CLASS® Infant tool and how to use it effectively.
This manual provides a system overview, procedures, and scoring information for Pre-K classroom observation.
Classroom Assessment Scoring System, Manual Toddler
This manual includes detailed descriptions of the 8 CLASS Toddler dimensions, administration procedures, and information about the tool's development.
Observation and scoring forms in Spanish for CLASS Pre-K. "
Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Class) Toddler: Forms, Pack of 10
This manual is part of "CLASS," the bestselling classroom observational tool that measures interactions between children and teachers--a primary ingredient of high-quality early educational experiences.
In a small sample of third to eighth grade youth of color attending free, urban ASPs, quality classrooms positively ... in Afterschool Programs with Example Measures and Strategies Element Definition Instruments Measuring Elements of.
Teasdale, J., Williams, M., & Segal, Z. (2014). The mindful way workbook: An 8-week program to free yourself from depression and emotional distress. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Tolle, E. (2003). Stillness speaks.
Open-ended inquiry activities from a constructionist perspective for young children. Basic processes include: observing, classifying, communicating, measuring, predicting, and inferring,