Geologic exposures in the Salt Lake City region record a long history of sedimentation and tectonic activity extending back to the Precambrian Era. Today, the city lies above a deep, sediment-filled basin flanked by two uplifted range blocks, the Wasatch Range and the Oquirrh Mountains. The Wasatch Range is the easternmost expression of major Basin and Range extension in north-central Utah and is bounded on the west by the Wasatch fault zone (WFZ), a major zone of active normal faulting. During the late Pleistocene Epoch, the Salt Lake City region was dominated by a succession of inter-basin lakes. Lake Bonneville was the last and probably the largest of these lakes. By 11,000 yr BP, Lake Bonneville had receded to approximately the size of the present Great Salt Lake.
Thomas , T.M. ( 1974 ) The South Wales interstratal karst . Trans . Brit . Cave Res . Assn 1 , 131-152 . Thorburn , S. and Reid , W.M. ( 1978 ) Incipient failure and demolition of two storey dwellings due to large ground movements .
Basic Engineering Geology for Tropical Terrain
about 1 m in the underlying stratum of the groundwater ( perfect wells ) and throughout the groundwater region ( from the underlying stratum down to the highest groundwater level ) . Galvanized pipes are not suitable for use in the ...
Proc Int Salinity Cnf . Texas Tech University , Texas Betonghandbok 1980 ( Concreting Handbook ) Material - Stockholm Blatt H , Middleton G and Murray R , 1972 Origin of Sedimentary Rocks , p 586-589 - Englewood Cliffs , N I Bower CA ...
In R.J. Allison ( ed ) Landslides of the Dorset Coast : 21-30 , London : British Geomorphological Research Group . Allison , R.J. 1996a . Slopes and slope processes . Progress in Physical Geography , 20 : 453-465 .
Densification and Reinforcement : Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ground Improvement Geosystems, London, 3-5 June 1997 Michael C. R. Davies, François Schlosser. Panel Board Cap Concrete Filling Panel Board Grout ...
This fully updated edition has added focus on rock engineering applications in design, planning and excavation.
This book is of paramount importance in the fields of engineering and applied sciences, given that through the values obtained by these procedures, many structures, like spillways of dams and highway culverts, are designed and constructed.
Geotechnical Engineering