The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recommended that states develop Pesticide Management Plans for four agricultural chemicals - alachlor, atrazine, metolachlor, and simazine - used in Utah as herbicides in the production of corn and sorghum, and to control weeds and undesired vegetation (such as along right-of-ways or utility substations). This report and accompanying maps are intended to be used as part of these Pesticide Management Plans to provide local, state, and federal government agencies and agricultural pesticide users with a base of information concerning sensitivity and vulnerability of ground water in the basin-fill aquifer (bedrock is not evaluated) to agricultural pesticides in the southern Sevier Desert and Pahvant Valley, Millard County, Utah. We used existing data to produce pesticide sensitivity and vulnerability maps by applying an attribute ranking system specifically tailored to the western United States using Geographic Information System analysis methods. 28 pages + 2 plates
Banton, O., and Villeneuve, J., 1989, Evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to pesticides -- a comparison between the ... Mike, 1997, Recharge and discharge areas and quality of ground-water in Tooele Valley, Tooele County, Utah: U.S. ...
Anderson, P.B., Susong, D.D., Wold, S.R., Heilweil, V.M., and Baskin, R.L., 1994, Hydrogeology of recharge areas and water ... Averitt, P., 1962, Geology and coal resources of the Cedar Mountain quadrangle, Iron County, Utah: U.S. ...
The retardation factor (RF) is a function of dry bulk density, organic carbon fraction, and field capacity of the soil and the organic carbon sorption distribution coefficient of the specific pesticide; a relatively low RF indicates a ...
Data include derived values for bulk density, organic carbon fraction, and field capacity (table 2). For areas in the SSURGO database lacking information on hydrologic soil group, fraction of organic carbon, field capacity, ...
Lowe, Mike, and Sanderson, I.D., 2003, Ground-water sensitivity and vulnerability to pesticides, the southern Sevier Desert and Pahvant Valley, Millard County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 03-1, 28 p., 2 pl., ...
A History of Millard County
This report and accompanying maps are intended to be used as part of these Pesticide Management Plans to provide local, state, and federal government agencies and agricultural pesticide users with a base of information concerning ...
A History of Sanpete County
A History of Sevier County
A beautifully designed and easy to understand publication discussing the geologic history of the Wasatch Fault and possible dangers it poses to anyone living nearby. This is a perfect introduction to the fault for anyone of all ages.