This specialty standard combines community health and public health nursing expertise to support student health and learning as part of providing continuity of care in school health services.
I thank them also for the gift of grandchildren: Ryan, Ashley, Richard, Luke, and Preston. These bright, beautiful babies keep me focused on what truly matters in life. Most of all, I thank my husband Rich. These past months Rich has ...
This is the complete exam prep guide for those seeking NBCSN certification.
Standards of School Nursing Practice
From treating stomachaches to cuts or even worse, the school nurse makes sure students remain well, safe, and happy.
A practical guide that covers not only common acute and chronic conditions seen in the school setting, but also vision/hearing problems and special education. It covers students from birth through...
It doesn't matter whether you know nothing about nursing school, or whether you're already in nursing school--this book has something for everyone. To see all of the topics covered in this book, use the "Look Inside" feature on Amazon.
The perfect resource for an understandable summary of the regulatory, medical, administrative and legal problems arising from a challenge to the delivery, non-delivery or questionable delivery of healthcare or school safety policies or ...
Legal Issues in School Health Services: A Resource for School Administrators, School Attorneys, School Nurses
This completely revised edition provides current pathophysiology; new conditions; a preliminary IHP to initiate immediate healthcare; sample 504 accommodations, EAPs, and EEPs - if condition warrants; and access to a new cloud-based ...
The School Nurse's Source Book of Individualized Healthcare Plans: Issues and applications in school nursing practice