The quick & accurate reference to Maryland tort law. This handbook will help you determine the merits of a potential case & then lead you to the sources of authority necessary to win it. Organized according to specific torts, areas of torts, & damages, the Maryland Tort Law Handbook provides an easy reference source for active practitioners & includes the latest developments in Maryland tort law.
Maryland Tort Law Handbook
The work sets out the essential provisions of the Maryland Tort Claims Act and the Health Arbitration Act, along with annotations of leading Maryland tort cases.
Maryland Tort Law Handbook: 1998 Cumulative Supplement
Maryland Tort Law Handbook, 1999 Cumulative Supplement
The work sets out the essential provisions of the Maryland Tort Claims Act and the Health Arbitration Act, along with annotations of leading Maryland tort cases.
Get a head start on your Maryland tort law research with this handy book of topically arranged summaries of appellate case law. Updated annually. Price includes most current supplement.
Review the 150 most recent decisions handed down from July 1997 to September 1998. The format parallels that of the parent volume.
Maryland Tort Damages
Such protections are provided in the Home Inspection Trade Practices Act,269 the Plain Language in [Consumer] ... punitive damages in a products liability action or an action under the Unfair Claims Settlement Practices Act.274 Further, ...
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