To honor the 40th anniversary of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, journalist Perdita Huston travelled the world to gather this remarkable collection of oral histories of and about the often unknown leaders of a worldwide movement to bring women their reproductive rights. Drawing on personal interviews, Huston delineates the motivations, strategies, and heartaches of twelve pioneers-eight women, four men-both from the developing world, before and after colonial rule, and from industrialized countries, who braved scorn and abuse to raise the issues of family planning, contraception, and sex education, and to fight for improved healthcare for women. These moving testimonies reflect the personal leadership style of each pioneer from Dr. Evangelina Rodriquez, the first woman doctor in the Dominican Republic, who defied church policies and the corrupt dictator Trujillo to promote family planning and fight the spread of venereak disease; to Miyoski Ohba who contended with innumerable taboos in postwar Japan to introduce poor villagers to the use of condoms; to Elsie Ottsen-Jensen, born in 1886 to a poor Norwegian family of 17 children, who became acutely aware of the high rate of maternal mortality throughout turn-of-the-century Scandinavia and went on to found the Swedish Association of Sex Educators in 1933. Motherhood by Choice stands as a significant historical document tracing the development of public health services, sex education, and contraceptive services that will inspire and inform all who are concerned about women's health and reproductive rights.
A handbook for women who have chosen single motherhood offers an analysis of available options, from artificial insemination to adoption, and examines the special problems, questions, and rewards of single motherhood
The remarkable number of women taking the daunting step of having children outside of marriage is explored in this account of this fast-growing phenomenon, revealing why middle-class women have taken an unorthodox approach to parenthood and ...
Even though the ideology of pronatalism and motherhood reinforce reproductive technology and vice versa, the care work of mothering suffers political neglect and economic devaluation.
Provides information and advice for women choosing to become single mothers, and includes interviews with family therapists and single mothers on the topic.
At the age of thirty-nine, Sarah Kowalski heard her biological clock ticking, loudly. A single woman harboring a deep ambivalence about motherhood, Kowalski needed to decide once and for all: Did she want a baby or not?
Going Solo is the empowering and uplifting story of one woman's choice to become a single mother. 'I hope this story gives hope to anyone who wants children and to anyone who finds themselves single.
Mary Melcher's Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Choice in Twentieth-Century Arizona provides a deep and diverse history of the dramatic changes in childbirth, birth control, infant mortality, and abortion over the course of the last century.
Her journey, hard and painful though it was, has made her more determined than ever to live well and enjoy life to the full for the sake of her family. A Mother's Choice is compelling, moving and inspiring.
From the author of She Left Me The Gun, an explosive and hilarious memoir about the exceptional and life-changing decision to conceive a child on one's own via assisted reproduction When British journalist, memoirist, and New York ...
Some days, she is eager to start the process to become a mother on her own, choosing a donor and injecting herself with hormones. Other days, she misses the road not taken and the love story that could have been.