When students, job candidates, business executives, historians, and investors need accurate and detailed information on the development of any of the world's largest and most influential companies, direct them to International Directory of Company Histories. This multi-volume work is the first major reference to bring together histories of companies that are a leading influence in a particular industry or geographic location. Each three- to five-page entry is meticulously detailed with facts gathered from popular magazines, academic periodicals, books, annual reports, and the archives of the companies themselves. Entries provide information on founders, expansions and losses, labor/management actions, NAICS codes, key dates, ticker symbol, principal subsidiaries, principal divisions, principal operating units, principle competitors, and other significant milestones -- all peppered with statistics, dates and names of key players. Vols. 1-6 are organized alphabetically by major industries; Vol. 7 and subsequent volumes are arranged alphabetically by company name within each volume. The histories were compiled from publicly accessible sources, as well as from material supplied by the companies themselves. Entries on companies that have had major changes since they were last profiled may be selected for updating.
Business Process Reengineering BreakPoint Strategies for MarketDominance Business Process Reengineering shows you how to take thevital next step to attain market dominance and become a worldleader * A team of internationally recognized ...
本文围绕离岸人民币市场的溢出学效应,主要研究了全球离岸金融市场形成与发展的历史和现状,离岸人民币市场对在岸金融市场的影响,在提高人民币国际影响力中的作用 ...
本书是理论知识与实践知识相结合的教材, 以酒店品牌管理的理论知识点和案例讲解两条主线展开, 全书内容包括十一章:酒店品牌概述, 酒店品牌建设的背景与历程, 酒店品牌系统构成 ...
雷‧克洛克(Ray Kroc)、羅伯特‧安德森(Robert Anderson) ... 伊莎爾會提早準備晚餐,飯後我們會換上一身高級行頭,搭乘電車前往芝加哥市中心看戲,例如「齊格菲歌舞劇」(Ziegfeld Follies)、「喬治. ... 威爾森(Hack Wilson)站在本壘板上的姿勢,以及貝比.
它是一家仰赖事利懂利金的公司,主要收人来自铜和其他有色金属提姨遇程中使用的某些事利技狮。该公司的活勒可以分受雨部分...掌看试藉由研游波毫厘生新事利,以及受使用该公司既有惠利的探碱和制袭造垩乘者提供技狮服孜榜。到一九五○年,雅然它每年仍有不错 ...
本书采编了十个与人们生活息息相关的传统行业与互联网结合和创新的管理案例,尝试探索传统行业转型过程中面临的困境和应对之策 ...
常家生活奢靡,常生春有孙叫祥和子,养有名马叫“独角兽”,因马头生角而得名,十分珍贵,名闻全省,每年全省三原腊八古会上跑马,若独角兽不到场,会就不算圆,后来被太监李莲英知道了,要出1000两银子占为己有,祥和子赶忙偷骑回家藏了起来。[43] (四)渭南吝店曹家大 ...
Replacing the capital that Lehman Brothers had supplied turned out to be a challenge caused by Henry Goldman's ... During the war years , he was part of the organization set up by J.P. Morgan & Co. under Edward R. Stettinius to purchase ...
In Guts, Robert A. Lutz, the product-development genius and iconoclastic leader behind Chrysler's second renaissance, answers these questions and many, many more.