The St. James Encyclopedia Of Popular Culture, 2nd ed., updates and augments the over ten-year-old first edition. It includes 3,036 signed essays (300 of them new), alphabetically arranged, and written or reviewed by subject experts and edited to form a consistent, readable, and straightforward reference. The entries cover topics and persons in major areas of popular culture: film; music; print culture; social life; sports; television and radio; and art and performance (which include theater, dance, stand-up comedy, and other live performance). The entries analyze each topic or person's significance in and relevance to American popular culture; in addition to basic factual information, readers will gain perspective on the cultural context in which the topic or person has importance.
St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
"Examines the history and contributions of hip hop to American and global culture"--
The St. James Encyclopedia Of Popular Culture, 2nd ed., updates and augments the over ten-year-old first edition.
Virtually every country is represented in the text.
In a way that was almost unprecedented in both American history and the history of American cinema, the 1980s were a time in which a United States president - a former B-movie actor and Cold War industry activist - served as a catalyst for ...
The Living Dead in Myth, Legend, and Popular Culture S. T. Joshi. the penanggal. Another Malay vampire is the langsuyar, or langsuir, the revenant of a woman dead in childbirth. Also known as thepontianak, “She may be known by her robe ...
Adams, Cleve 3 Douglas Fairbanks Sr. Arabian Nights spectacular, The Thief of Bagdad (1924), and a story of the British Raj on the northwest frontier, The Lives of the Bengal Lancers (1935) with Gary Cooper. Abdullah's published version ...
Karen Berger's tenure as one of comicdom's most influential editors suggests that comics don't have to be a medium dominated by males. For nearly three decades, Berger has provided the editorial direction to some of the industry's most ...
The hairstyles, slang terms, advertising jingles, pop music sensations, and all else described as popular culture is covered in this 5-vol. reference. Arranged chronologically by decade and by broad topics...
Two poker buddies, one a hyper-neurotic, the other an incurable slob, suddenly find themselves bachelors again and decide to share a New York City apartment.