The author highlights the three main aspects of Shi'a Islam: its historical development, especially the history of the Imams; the rituals, including flagellation and passion plays; and the rule of the mullahs, known as the "government of experts." Shi'ism is as old as Islam. It began as an exclusively Arab political issue of succession to Muhammad, and was later embraced by the Iranians. At the core of Shi'i religious practice are rituals of mourning and atonement.--Publisher description.
Translation of Risalah fi al-imamah, an Isma'ili missionary's treatise on the doctrine of the imamate. Professor Makarim compares the Isma'ili concept of the imamate with those of other Muslim sects.
الجهادفي الزمن الحالي لم يعد الجهاد مجرد جهاد المتشددين ضد المجتمعات التي يرونها منحلة أو كافرة، بل صارت الجماعات الجهادية تكفر بعضها بعضًا كذلك، وتقاتل بعضها بعضًا، فصار الجهاد يجاهد...
This book examines the most important writings of a tenth century Islamic theologian and jurist who was one of the most original thinkers of his period. It argues that Qadi...
Reviews of the First Part of the Hussaini Biography
i This timely work explores two influential religious traditions that might seem to have little in common: Twelver Shi'i Islam and Roman Catholicism. With the worldwide rise of religious fundamentalism,...
Religious Performance in Contemporary Islam: Shiʻi Devotional Rituals in South Asia
The Order of Assassins
The Imam, the Divine Guide, is the central point around which the Shi'ite religion turns. The power of Shi'ism comes from the actions of the Imam. This title is reserved...
هذا الكتاب محور أساسي في مشروع مُطهري الفكري الخصب، الذي لم يُقدَّر له إتمامُهُ على نحو ما كان يرجو. وترجع أهميته إلى ما تغيَّاه صاحبُهُ من استنباط نظرية إسلامية في...