The French prolife movement was united in the beginning , but it splintered badly in the late 1970s , thanks to Dr. Emmanuel Tremblay , a devotee of the notorious Club of Life , the now - jailed Lyndon Larouche , and the radical Union ...
Stevens-Arroyo, “The Latino Religious Resurgence,” pp. 163–77. 86. Miller, Good Catholics, pp. 131–269, 80. For contemporary observers noting this shift, see “Abortion,” Newsweek, June 5, 1978; Diane Lee, letter to the editor, ...
Melissa Rigg, “Scars of Abortion,” Arizona Daily Star, no date (probably 1984), folder 72, box 30, Planned Parenthood AZ Collection. “Helen” is a pseudonym. 112. Karen Ables, letter to the editor, “A Planned Parenthood Experience,” ...