Parents' expectations and children's early literacy:Reimagining parentengagement through parent inquiry. InR.T. Jimenez& V.O. Pang(Eds.), Race, ethnicity, and education: Language and literacyinschools (pp.157–176).
This book examines the educational gaps that multilingual students in rural communities experience.
This book provides teachers and administrators with tools to build a foundation for student success based on positive relationships with students and their families.
... Home Connections. Donna believed that the connection between home and school is important and can influence ... language and the learning of mathematics. Practice. Donna's description of her practice mirrored her pedagogical knowledge ...
This book allows you to reinforce language arts topics at school and at home by providing you with
This book focuses on three of these factors—culture, language and learning—and how they affect children’s development and learning in the context of their communities, families and schools.
This book allows you to reinforce language arts topics at school and at home by providing you with 40 weeks of engaging activities and skill review.
Complete with flash cards and activities, this series supports classroom success by offering extra practice at home.
Campbell, L., Campbell, B., and Dickinson, D. Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences. (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, Mass.: Allyn & Bacon, 2003. Canter L., and Canter, M. Succeeding with Difficult Students: New Strategies for ...
Spanish language home-school connections are available for each TIME For Kids Nonfiction Readers kit.A black-and-white version of each book can be reproduced and given to students to take home.Materials are provided to encourage parental ...