Long-unavailable, Michael Weller's Five Plays is the definitive look at the generation which came of age in the '60s.
E. H.C. Oliphant began to argue for Middleton in 1911,9 and since then many scholars have taken up the cause . What they have produced to support their reading of the external evidence has been internal evidence , i.e. the stylistic ...
Plays by the Spanish poet and dramatist include The Billy-Club Puppets, The Shoemaker's Prodigious Wife, The Love of Don Perlimplin, Dona Rosita, and The Butterfly's Evil Spell
Five new plays from an acclaimed rising star in contemporary American playwriting.
THE STORIES: The perfect young woman and her perfect young boyfriend in MADE FOR A WOMAN are perfect examples of the image conscious society in which we live.
Tambourines to Glory, Soul Gone Home, Little Ham, Mulatto, and Simply Heavenly reflect the black author's concern with the position of the Negro in the United States No writer more effectively captured the spirit of Negro life in America, ...
Five Plays
Humorous gems by one of the masters of modern drama: The Anniversary, An Unwilling Martyr, The Wedding, The Bear, and The Proposal. For students, general readers, and amateur and professional theater groups.
Here for the first time are translations of five plays by Oh T'ae-sok, Korea's leading playwright and one of the most original dramatists and stage-directors working in Asia today.
Now , everyone knows that the corporation is sending Dai Dai to mate with the monkey Spencer so that experiments can be conducted . However , in addition to that , the corporation thought it best to ensure that we too would be inclined ...
This outstanding collection also offers short biographies of the playwrights, enlightening and clarifying introductions to the plays, and helpful annotations at the bottom of each page.