This book masterfully clarifies the nature of tantric practice. In contrast to the approaches of conventional religion, tantra does not attempt to soothe the turmoil of existence with consoling promises of heaven and salvation. The tantric practitioner chooses to confront the bewildering and chaotic forces of fear, aggression, desire, and pride, and to work with them in such a way that they are channeled into creative expression, loving relationships, and wisely engaged forms of life. In order to make the processes of tantra psychologically intelligible for a contemporary reader, Rob Preece makes judicious use of the work of modern psychotherapy, forging a compelling link between a Western tradition that hearkens back to the alchemical traditions of our own past and the comparably alchemical strategies of Tibetan Buddhist tantric practices. In keeping with the pragmatic and therapeutic aims of both psychotherapy and Buddhist meditation, The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra never loses sight of the central importance of applying these ideas to the concrete realities of day-to-day life. By illuminating the richly symbolic language of tantra through the intermediate language of psychology, The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra points to the transformative nature of tantric practices.
間佛語言「林花謝了春紅,太匆匆,無奈朝來寒雨晚來風。」風雨凋零了春花,往日時光難以再現;光陰似水,時光如梭,所以「自是人生長恨水長東」。南唐後主李煜將自己人生失意的一番恨恨寄寓在暮春残景之中,既是自我心情 會心一笑 0 釋迦牟尼欣然讚歎 ...
印度最知名神話學家杜特.帕塔納克 重新詮釋最值得一讀的印度經典史詩 完整故事重述 × 背景補充知識 × 200張手繪圖 引領你快速領略古老文明的史詩與傳說, ...
人間淨土的踐行者: 提升人的品質,建設人間淨土,以教育完成關懷任務,以關懷達到教育目的。 喧囂人世的一口警鐘,碌碌人生中的智慧禪醒。 ...
人間淨土的踐行者:「提升人的品質,建設人間淨土,以教育完成關懷任務,以關懷達到教育目的。」 喧囂人世的一口警鐘,碌碌人生中的智慧禪醒。 ...
... 他第二天睡晚一點,說是早上九點鐘才陪他吃早飯,結果他老先生一早七點還不到,就從樓下打電話上來,說:「晦,起來了沒有?下來跟我一起吃早飯」,我還好已經起來了,並且梳洗完畢,要不然就真的丟人了。陳先生很風趣,很有幽默感,跟三教九流的人都能夠談得來。
Sacred Ground describes two journeys: a journey outward to specific pilgrimage places in eastern Tibet, and a journey inward to the sacred world of tantra, accessible through contemplation and meditation....
Enlightened Living: Teachings of Tibetan Buddhist Masters