'Mediated Modeling' is an approach to participatory environmental decision-making. It uses system dynamics models in a public setting to enable participants to learn about and see the consequences of various possible decision paths for their communities and ecosystems.
In this volume, fourteen articles by international scholars from seven different countries address these problems anew from various angles, reviewing the sub-categorization of mediation and re-specifying its dimensions both in literary ...
... 131 Gunn, R. L., 131 Gunther, A., xv. Gunther, A. C., 86 Gurmen, M. S., 150 GvirSman, S. D., xiv, 11,397 Haase, A. M., 188 Hahl, O., 188 Halliwell, E., 532 Hamer, M., 530 Hamilton, L. C., 9 Hammond, S. I., 117 Han, Z. Author Index 671.
... mediates neuroblastoma metastasis in a tubulin-independent manner via RhoA/ROCK signaling and enhanced ... Modeling Development and Disease with Organoids. Cell (2016) 165:1586–97. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.082 33. Bleijs ...
A modified theoretical model of visualization formation was proposed, calling for studies to continue the discussion on how students' practices of purposeful manipulation and evaluation of virtual objects of dynamic...
This book describes the reaction rate profiles of the β-galactosidase-catalyzed conversion of lactose on the inner surface of a hollow fiber membrane, which is employed as an enzymatic reactor system.
46 (2004): New Molecular Mechanisms of Estrogen Action and Their Impact on Future Perspectives in Estrogen Therapy Editors: K.S. Korach, A. Hillisch, K.H. Fritzemeier Vol. 47 (2004): Neuroinflammation in Stroke Editors: U. Dirnagl, ...
This volume reviews the challenges and alternative approaches to modeling how individuals change across time and provides methodologies and data analytic strategies for behavioral and social science researchers.
... modeling construct [12, 13] can fit a model of an agent to its observed behavior, and then extend this model into the future to provide predictions [14]. In experiments on military operations, this mechanism outperforms both experienced ...
... its interactions with the user. 7 Automatic Preference Modeling with Inductive Logic Programming Inductive logic Modeling User Preferences and Mediating Agents in Electronic Commerce 181 6.4 Effectiveness of Preference Models.
This book provides accessible treatment to state-of-the-art approaches to analyzing longitudinal studies.