A clear, in-depth discussion of the scope, causes, & prevention of teen violence; the relationships between the media, gangs, & violence; & the treatment of juvenile offenders in the justice system.
Joyce Seltzer , my editor , and other members of the Free Press staff performed superhuman labors to publish the manuscript in rapid ... John J. Mearsheimer , Sam C. Sarkesian , David R. Segal , John Alden Williams , and Frank R. Wood .
The fact that higher welfare benefits result in more young single mothers ' setting up their own households ( Ellwood and Bane 1985 ) implies that these Census estimates are somewhat downwardly biased . Nonetheless , the results using ...
Herrenkohl, Todd I., J. David Hawkins, Ick-Jung Chung, Karl G. Hill and Sarah Battin-Pearson. 2001. “School and Community Risk Factors and Interventions.” In Child Delinquents: Development, Intervention and Service Needs, ...
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
There was no question of Irish , Welsh or Scottish Gaelic being recognized . Irish children even in Catholic schools might receive ambivalent messages about their heritage : insistence on the separate religious identity did not rule out ...
In P.J. Stewart and A. Strathern (eds.),Identity Work: Constructing Pacific Lives (pp. 58-77). Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. Took Took Thongthiraj. 1994. Toward a Struggle Against Invisibility: Love Between Women in ...
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FROST (copy 1) From the John Holmes Library collection.
Become a skilled anti-bias teacher with this eagerly awaited successor to the influential Anti-Bias Curriculum! This volume offers practical guidance on confronting and eliminating barriers of prejudice, misinformation, and bias...
Examining when and why governments implement progressive childcare policies, this study takes a look at the different systems Canadians have adopted over the past five decades and argues that childcare...