Collection Assessment: A Look at the RLG Conspectus

Collection development (Libraries)
Richard John Wood, Katina P. Strauch


This is the single most convenient reference source available about the RLG Conspectus. Collection Assessment explains in detail why the Research Libraries Conspectus is the best collection development and assessment methodology available for acquisitions librarians. Experienced collection development librarians thoroughly and precisely define the RLG Conspectus and explore its origins and describe how librarians can use it effectively for consistent evaluation of total library collections in an individual or consortium environment. Chapters include in-depth discussions of pitfalls to avoid when using the RLG Conspectus and clear illustrations of its advantages compared to other collection development methodologies. It is a practical guide which helps library administrators and librarians prepare for, plan, and implement a collection development or assessment program based on the widely used and proven RLG Conspectus. Librarians adopting the Conspectus will find this helpful book divided into two informative parts. The Conspectus and all of its elements are first carefully examined; authoritative contributors then explore the use of the Conspectus by specific libraries or groups of libraries. This highly readable and informative volume covers every aspect of the RLG Conspectus including: a complete description and explanation of the RLG Conspectus origins and reasons for its conception and an overview of its progress and development over the years how and why the RLG Conspectus has been adopted by the Pacific Northwest Libraries, library consortia, and smaller academic, public, school, or special libraries practical recommendations from librarians who have used the conspectus an annotated bibliography for further reading All academic and public librarians, library science instructors who teach collection development, acquisitions, serials, and administration, and librarians who are members of a consortium interested in cooperation, collection development, and resource sharing will find invaluable guidelines for using the RLG Conspectus in Collection Assessment. Some of the detailed advice provided by experienced librarians include an overview of the Conspectus with worksheet illustrations of its use in a specific library environment, the use of Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets and ANSI standards for statistical reliability, implementation of the RLG conspectus in a humanities collection, the use of the Conspectus by the State of Alaska, and the issue of the Conspectus Supplemental Guidelines in a regional library setting.

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