Couples Therapy, Multiple Perspectives aids therapists in answering pertinent questions about the basic ingredients, the common denominators, and the universal threads of work with couples by exploring the theories and methods of successful therapists. As there are many ways of looking at couples therapy, this volume encourages therapists to work cooperatively, not competitively, in developing clients' possibilities. Couples Therapy, Multiple Perspectives is intended to assist therapists working with couples achieve a broader view of their work and a richer range of choices in helping their clients. Every article, especially the two by master therapists Florence Kaslow and Maurizio Andolfi, moves readers toward a tapestry of therapeutic possibilities.
Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness: Couples Speaking Out on Healing from Sex Addiction
Sex, Lies and Forgiveness: Couples Speak on Healing from Sex Addiction
Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness: Couples Speak on Healing from Sex Addiction
Sex, Lies, and Forgiveness: Couples Speak on Healing from Sex Addiction
Offers advice on counseling couples with marital problems, describes the ingredients of a happy marriage, and examines severe and chronic marital conflicts and techniques for their resolution.
... congruent communication , see The Satir Model ( Satir et al . , 1991 ) and Couples and the Tao of Congruence ( Brothers , 1996 ) . In Couples : Building Bridges ( Brothers , 1996 ) , is a transcript of Virginia demonstrating steps toward ...