This text is divided into three parts. The first part describes basic toxicological concepts and methodologies used in aquatic toxicity testing, including the philosophies underlying testing strategies now required to meet and support regulatory standards. The second part of the book discusses various factors that affect transport, transformation, ultimate distribution, and accumulation of chemicals in the aquatic environment, along with the use of modelling to predict fate.; The final section of the book reviews types of effects or endpoints evaluated in field studies and the use of structure-activity relationships in aquatic toxicology to predict biological activity and physio-chemical properties of a chemical. This section also contains an extensive background of environmental legislation in the USA and within the European Community, and an introduction to hazard/risk assessment with case studies.
FUNDAMENTALS OF AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY: Effects, Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment
International Council on Metals and the Environment, Ottawa, Ontario. Mason, R.P., 2013. Trace ... Toxicity of carbon nanotubes to freshwater aquatic invertebrates. Environ. Toxicol. ... Homeostasis and Toxicology of Essential Metals.
Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology: Methods and Applications
This is an essential book for advanced students in toxicology and across the biomedical sciences, life sciences, and environmental sciences who want to learn the concepts of toxicology, as well as early researchers needing to refresh ...
James , M.O. , Schell , J.D. , and Magee , V. Bioavailability , biotransformation and elimination of benzo ( a ) pyrene and benzo ( a ) pyrene - 7,8 - dihydrodiol in the lobster , Homarus americanus , Bull . Mount Desert Island Biol .
This book provides the fundamentals, recent developments, and future research needs for critical mercury transformation and transport processes, as well as the experimental methods that have been employed in recent studies.
Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry: Sustainable Science, Fourth Edition covers university-level environmental chemistry, with toxicological chemistry integrated throughout the book.
This book covers the latest environmental issues based on current research objectives. All chapters are fundamentally interlinked and focus on deciphering the networking of mutagens in environmental toxicity and human health.
Burton, G. A., Jr. and R. Pitt, Stormwater Effects Handbook: A Tool Box for Watershed Managers, Scientists, and Engineers, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001. Duda, A. M., D. R. Lenat, and D. Penrose, Water quality in urban streams — What ...
The book also explores multi-tiered approaches to making recommendations for th