In this vignette-based companion to the highly popular Anesthesia Secrets, Dr. James Duke and colleagues present a wealth of real-patient cases and focus on the important preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative anesthetic considerations. For each case, a scenario of a classic or difficult patient problem is introduced, and the reader is challenged to formulate the anesthetic management. The authors then answer the questions they have posed, and each chapter concludes with three or four key "Secrets" distilled from the case.
Novick AC , Streem S , Montie JE , et al .: Conservative surgery for renal cell carcinoma : a single - center experience ... Ravitch MM : Ventral hernia . Surg Clin North Am 51 : 1341 , 1971 . Redman JF : An anatomic approach to the ...
SUGGESTED READING Heggers JP , Robson MC . Infection control in burn patients . Clin Plast Surg 1986 ; 13 : 39–47 . Herndon DN , Curreri WP , Abston S , et al . Treatment of burns . In : Ravitch MM , ed : Current problems in surgery .
The prognosis is benign , re - attachment developing within a few days or weeks . Operation usually has disastrous results ( Darabos and Fekete , 1965 ) . However , Bosco ( 1961 ) suggests that an operation is necessary in some cases .
This is a much better way to learn clinical information. I have not read a book like this before, and I certainly have enjoyed it." --Eric Hossler, Medical Student, James H. Quillen College of Medicine "I LOVED this book!
讓科學之光照亮無知的黑暗 本書以1846年英國首場使用麻醉藥的手術開始,展開了當時還只是個醫學生的外科手術消毒技術之父——約瑟夫.李斯特(Joseph ...
图3-12 拇指掌指关节的撬动试验通过施加(掌骨)轴向的应力,造成关节掌侧和背侧的翻动 图3-13 林沙伊德试验要求在屈伸掌指关节时,维持手尺侧和桡侧的稳定性示指和中指掌指关节相对稳定,故而它们在矢状面上的屈伸范围最小。上述关节任何明显的异常活动, ...
Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 ; 80 : 491-497 . Ousterhout DK , Vargervik K , Clark S. Stability of the maxilla after Le Fort III advnacement in craniosynostosis syndromes . Cleft Palate J 1986 ; 23 ( Suppl ) : 91–101 . Shapiro PA , Kokich VG ...
A McVay , or Cooper ligament , repair approximates transversalis fascia superior to the inferior insertion of the transversalis fascia along the Cooper ligament . It is accompanied by a relaxing incision to reduce tension on the suture ...
Cummings Otolaryngology--head & Neck Surgery