A book/disk text presenting the fundamentals of linear algebra, stressing concepts rather than computation and taking a matrix-oriented approach, with linear transformation defined in relation to matrix multiplication. Coverage includes vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, orthogonality, and
When it comes to learning linear algebra, engineers trust Anton. The tenth edition presents the key concepts and topics along with engaging and contemporary applications.
Observe also that a square matrix in row echelon form is upper triangular since it has zeros below the main diagonal. ... that is, aij = 0 if i>j (Figure 1.7.1). i > j i < j • A square matrix A = [aij] is lower triangular if and only if ...
This text provides a solid introduction to both the computational and theoretical aspects of linear algebra.
In addition, the instructor can tailor coverage of several topics. Comprised of six chapters, this book first discusses Gaussian elimination and the algebra of matrices.
Elementary Linear Algebra: With Applications
This highly acclaimed text focuses on developing the abstract thinking essential for further mathematical study The authors give early, intensive attention to the skills necessary to make students comfortable with mathematical proofs.
Elementary Linear Algebra
The text reinforces critical ideas and lessons of traditional topics. More importantly, the book is written in a manner that deeply ingrains computational methods.
Intended for the first course in linear algebra, this widely used text balances mathematical techniques and mathematical proofs. It presents theory in small steps and provides more examples and exercises...
This outstanding text starts off using vectors and the geometric approach, featuring a computational emphasis.