Suggests activities to be used in the classroom to accompany the reading of Summer of the monkeys by Wilson Rawls.
Teacher's edition contains selections of literature from around the world, from 3000 B.C. through the 20th century.
For the new teacher, Prestwick House's extensive line of title-specific Teaching Units may serve as a starting point.
For “ The Death of Marilyn Monroe " from The Dead and the Living by Sharon Olds . Copyright 1983 by Sharon Olds . For “ Dream Variation ” from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes . Copyright 1926 by Alfred A. Knopf ...
Responding to Literature: World literature
( Also , see Mark Twain's “ Jim Baker's Blue Jay Yarn . " ) Another structural device used by fiction writers is the subplot . A subplot is a less important plot working within the structure of the main plot .
I am become a name ; For always roaming with a hungry heart Much have I seen and known - cities of men And manners , climates , councils , governments , Myself not least , but honored of them allAnd drunk delight of battle with my peers ...
But , in another sense , The world ( Singer ) recoils from is the world of the market place , of human passions , of vain ambitions , of misguided aspirations , and of all the human relationships which result from them .
This survey allows readers to choose among the most important canonical and less-familiar books of the Western literary tradition in Europe and the Americas. Uses the best translations of foreign-language...
Prentice Hall Literature Bronze
Prentice Hall Literature 1991/Grade Six