Suggests activities to be used in the classroom to accompany the reading of Where the red fern grows by Wilson Rawls.
The classic Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery is rewritten for youth. In Traditional Chinese. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
(美)劳拉·英格斯·怀德. 出版前言在美国白宫的网站上,列有美国儿童文学作家的白宫梦之队,成员仅有三位:一位是写《夏洛的网》的E.B.怀特,一位是写《戴高帽的猫》的苏斯博士,还有一位就是“小木屋的故事”系列小说的作者劳拉·英格斯·怀德。劳拉·英格斯·怀德 ...
An arduous dogsled trek across the frozen Alaska wilderness becomes a journey of self-discovery for 14-year-old Russel Susskit. Newbery Honor Book; ALA Best Book for Young Adults; ALA Notable Book....
Jesse and his sister, two city kids, travel to the country to visit with their greataunts and greatuncles, and while the "Old Ones" sit and watch, the children play in...
Deep in the woods there used to be a house where a family once lived. Over there was the chimney. Just imagine little toes warming up beside it. And see...
AUTUMN WINIFRED OLIVER prides herself on doing things her way. But she meets her match when she, her mama, and her pin-curled older sis, Katie, move in with her cantankerous...
Meet a hilarious trio of reprobate cowpokes: Don, Deke, and the meanest of them all Dom (He didn't even send a card at Christmas to his Mom) who are redeemed...
"Since its publication in 1908, Anne of Green Gables has been an enduring best seller and arguably Canada's most famous novel. This Norton Critical Edition is based on the first...
Once upon a time in America, half the people lost every dime they ever had. Then the coming of the Dust Bowl hit as hard as a prairie tornado. Reuben,...
與土地有連結的孩子生活才踏實 莉莉坐在車內後座一路上嘟著嘴,她其實不太想待在爺爺家度過假期。 莉莉的爺爺住在鄉下,他還有座天堂菜園。菜園裡種滿了番茄、南瓜、蕪菁、洋蔥和白蘿蔔,爺爺總是悉心地照料蔬菜,誇讚蔬菜們漂亮。 熱愛園藝的爺爺拿了顆菜豆種子給莉莉,讓她自己動手種植植物,莉莉不甘願地的埋下種子。 就在莉莉獨自一人在菜園時,她突然發現爺爺菜園中的蔬菜水果們,竟然會彼此交談!連自己剛剛種下的小菜豆也志氣高昂地說出自己的志向……! 有了這份照顧小菜豆的責任,讓莉莉對鄉下生活的態度悄悄起了變化,每天聽到公雞的啼叫聲,已捨不得多睡,趕緊跳下床迫不及待地跑進菜園,關心小菜豆是否獲得充足水分,還怕小菜豆無聊,替它的周圍種了些蔬菜鄰居。 漸漸地,每天都長大一些的小菜豆,不久便結實纍纍,垂掛著許多漂亮的豆莢。 這株小菜豆,著實帶給莉莉意料之外的豐富「收穫」…… 許多孩子與莉莉一樣,從小在都市裡長大,只見過碗裡烹調好的蔬菜,從未見過蔬菜是怎麼長大的,也很難體會農夫種菜所耗費的心思與時間,不論撒種、翻土、灌溉、施肥、看天、觀察植物的狀態……等,都感到十分陌生,與大自然的關係愈來愈疏遠,產生隔閡。 莉莉從照顧一小株植物開始,重新與大自然連結,學習依照不同的植物特性,觀察植物生長的姿態,在適當的時間替它澆水、判斷太陽光照射得到植物的位置、和植物說說話,而植物也以屬於自己的方式展現和回饋。 孩子一旦恢復起與大自然互動的本能,相信很快就能聽懂大自然訴說的私密語言。 ★《我沒有被選上……》作、繪者夫婦聯手推出最新田園作品! ★讓孩子親近土地、友愛大自然的一本繪本! *適讀年齡:學齡前~低年級 *注音:有