When Someone Dies

When Someone Dies
When Someone Dies
Juvenile Nonfiction / Social Topics / Death, Grief, Bereavement
Peachtree Publishers
Sharon Greenlee


In this simple book, counselor Sharon Greenlee offers help in dealing with the confusion and hurt felt by children and adults alike.
When someone dies, what can we do to alleviate the hurt, fear, and confusion? What can anyone say to make us feel better? What do we tell our children? Often we have no answers to these questions. There seems to be no escape from the pain of losing a loved one, so we tend to suffer through our confusing feelings without ever fully acknowledging them-and we often leave our children to do the same.
In this simple book, counselor Sharon Greenlee offers help in dealing with the confusion and hurt felt by children and adults alike. Her gentle, sensitive expressions of these feelings help to heal the pain of loss, and her suggestions for surviving the changes and remembering the good times will help transform sorrow into comfort.

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