Offers advice on educating and parenting children who display new and unusual psychological attributes
The questionnaire is available on the Website:, through the generous assistance of Susan Gale, co-author with Peggy Day of a book about Edgar Cayce and the Indigo Children. Although the research is in its infancy, ...
In Beyond the Indigo Children P. M. H. Atwater illuminates the characteristics of the fifth root race, the capstone being the extraordinary "new children," those brilliant and irreverent kids born since 1982.
r. We are deeply and humbly grateful to: God and Guidance, who called us to this sacred mission, and to our teachers, ... Cecilia and Jessica Schulberg, Heather and Zachary Petrek, and David Rafsky, whose images grace these pages, ...
Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 2004. Dosick, Wayne D., and Ellen Kaufman Dosick. Spiritual Healing the Indigo Children (And Adult Indigos, Too!): The Practical Guide and Handbook.
Beatty. Hello. I have a story about my Indigo grandson, Quillan. When he was about 18 months old—just barely walking and talking—he said only a few words—that is, Mama, Nana, Dada, etc. He picked up my book about Sai Baba (a popular and ...
All are born to this role, but not all are destined to fulfill it. This book is dedicated to those who do, and it offers helpful suggestions for future encounters. Are You an Indigo?
They Can Have Trouble "Fitting In" and "getting along," and often "act out" their pain in personally and socially harmful behaviors.
Foods with additives, such as preservatives and food coloring, have a measurable effect on ADHD symptoms, according to a double-blind study conducted by Dr. Marvin Boris, a pediatrician at a New York hospital.
The Earth is moving into a new spiritual dimension which opens peoples' hearts through the children of The New Time. Children born from 1995 and onwards possess some characteristics and values very different from previous generations.
Anger and the Indigo Child