A popular study of the basics of the Christian faith based on the Belgic Confession. Lew Vander Meer is back with an all-new video, featuring a number of interesting location shots. The session guides, which students use for discussion and application of the video presentation to their daily lives, have also been revised. Check out the new look of What We Believe!
About the author: The Reverend Doctor George Byron Koch (pronounced coke) is Pastor and teacher at Resurrection Anglican Church in West Chicago, Illinois (USA), though this book is intentionally neither Anglican nor denominational in ...
A fascinating intervention into some of the most common misconceptions about human nature, this book employs evolutionary, neurobiological, and anthropological evidence to argue that belief—the ability to commit passionately and ...
When a person embraces the Christian faith and says with assurance , ' I believe ... , ' then that person has truly embarked upon life . " —R . C. SPROUL To be a Christian is to be one who believes . But believes in what ?
Doctrine & Principles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon church) set forth in 94 topics and 1208 pages
This updated second edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church incorporates all the final modifications made in the complete, official Latin text, accompanied by line-by-line explanations of orthodox Catholicism, summaries of each ...
Introduces the Black Lives Matter movement with images to color, brief explanatory texts, and questions to stimulate reflection and discussion.
Why are some people religious and others nonreligious? Everyone has thoughts and questions like these, and now Andrew Newberg and Mark Waldman expose, for the first time, how our complex views emerge from the neural activities of the brain.
This best-selling guide to the Catholic faith has been revised and cross-referenced to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and follows the four main divisions of the Catechism (Belief, Worship, Christian Life, and Prayer).
A crane, in contrast, is a subprocess or special feature of a design process that can be demonstrated to permit the local speeding up of the basic, slow process of natural selection, and that can be demonstrated to be itself the ...
What Do We Believe