Aims to reveal the potential and the pitfalls of distance learning by exploring when and how to select and incorporate such technologies as interactive audio and video conferencing, CBT and Internet or intranet-based training into a training programme. The book examines the power of distance learning methodologies from the learner, trainer and managerial perspectives, and offers a blueprint for designing effective distance learning curricula. Included are templates, checklists and other job aids for creating and managing distance learning events.
A Guide to Administering Online Learning provides an overview of tasks to be accomplished in order to direct dynamic online initiatives.
But it is also a version of the Matthew effect, this time in attention rather than reading—the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (Stanovich, 1986). In this case, it's our positive attention that is gold.
This edited volume examines the implications of COVID-19 on distance and online learning, discussing how the move to online teaching and learning modes proved to be a source of immense institutional, organizational, and educational ...
This highly readable book by three experienced faculty members answers these questions and more. Both theoretical and practical, the book presents proven principles and research-based advice.
This book will help you address that daunting challenge, examining ways to assess user needs, to develop and offer well-thought-out information literacy courses, to employ appropriate teaching methodologies, and to determine the ...
Stanovich, K. E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 360–406. Student Achievement Partners. (2020). Principles for high-quality ...
(2007). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Papert, S. (1993). The children's machine: Rethinking school in the age of the computer. New York: BasicBooks. fuTure Trends Shelly et al.(2004) concluded that the more practice teachers have ...
New approaches to learning are needed, as the current system may not rise to the new challenges. This book proposes a new strategy for learning, worldwide and for all ages of students.
Brad Voeller earned his four-year, fully accredited college degree in six months, for less than $5,000, by applying the revolutionary techniques of accelerated distance learning.
How should universities address the difficult administrative questions raised by distance learning? This book explores explicit motivations, focusing on access and a belief in the pedagogical advantages of this approach to higher education.