Make your learning organization truly indispensable. If you’re planting the seeds of improved organizational and individual effectiveness, you are a true learning leader. You know better than anyone that learning is an evolution, not a singular event. But what if your organization isn’t on the same page? Or worse, what if you find that your efforts are the first to go when there’s a change in the C-suite, or when budget cuts loom? Learning for the Long Run tackles sustainability concerns head-on. Discover seven proven practices businesses use to ensure continuity in learning and development. Original case studies from the public and private sector put these practices into action, while self-assessments and job aids show you how to attain a sustainable mindset. Explore how FlightSafety International leveraged its measurement capabilities to drive results and improve its avionics safety system. How the U.S. Army Warrant Officer Career College built and bent its change capabilities to prepare the next generation of Army officers, amid labor shortages and complex global threats. How the Tennessee Department of Human Resources led an award-winning shift to transform a tenure-based environment into a performance-driven learning culture. And more. In Learning for the Long Run, innovative change leader Holly Burkett demystifies how to earn credibility and grow the learning function into a mature enterprise that will weather today’s frequent business disruptions. Now’s the time to build lasting organizational value and resist the temptation of the quick fix.
... S. H., 311 Mitroff, S. R., 264 Modaresi, H. A., 160 Molchan, S. E., 97 Mollgaard, K., 21 Molnar, M., 36 Monfils, M. H., 264 Montilla, M. M., 288 Monroe, K. B., 199 Montague, W. E., 216 Moon, J., 95 Mooney, R. R., 260 Mooney, S. E., ...
In detail, the beliefs that individuals, groups and societies hold and which determine choices are a consequence of long-term learning — not just within the span of an individual's life or of a generation of a society, but the learning ...
In addition, the study attempted to measure the effectiveness of this approach in terms of short-term learning outcomes. Indeed, the results of the study were positive and thus provide the impulse for further and in-depth research in ...
The capacity of an experimentally organized economy to keep the full information situation for ever unattainable through economic systems learning I have called the Sd'rimner effect in honour of the pig of the Viking sagas that was ...
Toronto: Pearson Canada. Lawson, A. (2015). What to look for: Understanding and developing student thinking in early numeracy. Toronto: Pearson Canada. Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: Ten instructional shifts that raise ...
a ''West Coast'' paradigm, such Oliver Williamson, actually developed their ideas at East Coast institutions (the University of ... Institutional change and healthcare organizations: From professional dominance to managed care.
Outlining how these practices can enhance strategic efforts from operations to brand leadership to innovation, this book shows what every company must do to manage for the long run.
... used to have students make predictions about the who, what, when, or “how it turned out” as a setup for exploring such topics as the Hindenburg disaster, the astronauts on Apollo 13, or the first flight of Orville and Wilbur Wright.
Explains the practical aspects of exercise physiology and modern coaching, including energy systems, the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, VO2 max, running economy, muscle fibers, and more.
As has been introduced above , a strategy now consists of two parts , the core economic strategy and the learning strategy . Both parts decide on the long run economic quality of an agent and by that on reproduction probability or the ...