Lists the best reference materials in the arts and sciences that meet the needs of elementary, secondary, vocational, and junior college students and teachers.
Reference Materials: Nichols, Margaret Irby. Guide to Reference Books for School Media Centers. Fourth Edition. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1992. Peterson, Carol Sue. Reference Books for Elementary and Junior High School ...
A guide to selecting books for the elementary school library media centre collection. Chapters cover not only fiction and picture books, but also reference sources, geographic sources, government documents, handbooks,...
Guide to Reference Books for School Media Centers
This updated edition is a comprehensive guide to current reference materials for school media centres. The 54 subject categories include recommended reference resources in all curricular areas and for many...
Here is a succinct update on school library reference services for the busy practitioner or student.
Sponsoring reading motivation programs is another excellent means of promoting a library collection. The use of digital quiz-based reading programs, such as Renaissance Learning's Accelerated Reader or Scholastic's Reading Counts, ...
Resources in Education
Presents new information literacy standards of interest to librarians, teachers, principals, parents, boards, and administrators.
Roscoe , Lorraine , 110 Rosenberg , Michael S. , 633 Rosenblum , Joseph ( ed . ) , 492 Rosenfeld , Louis , 461 Rosow , La Vergne , 551 Ross , Calvin , 114 Rothschild , D. Aviva , 479 Roxton , Tinik I. ( ed . ) ...
Think about your everyday life. Write down possible information needs (e.g., Where can I find a gas station? Why am I having stomach pains? I want to learn Japanese. How do I remove coffee stains? What can I do to stop sales phone calls ...