An important addition to your educational resource collection, the 27th volume of the popular Yearbook describes current developments and trends in the field of instructional technology. Prominent themes for this volume include e-learning, collaboration, the standards reform movement, and a critical look at the field in its historical context. EMTY has become a standard reference in libraries and professional collections across North America and is used by media and technology professionals in higher education and business contexts.
Prominent themes for this volume include e-learning, collaboration, the standards reform movement, and a critical look at the field in its historical context.
This latest edition notes the relationship between the ubiquity of digital devices and cost-effectiveness in a chapter exploring the lasting value of net-based media during fiscal crisis.
... Adventure Education; Adventure Therapy; Therapeutic Applications of Adventure Programming; Manual of Accreditation Standards for Adventure Programs; The Theory of Experiential Education, Third Edition; Experiential Learning in ...
This book is an annual publication entering its 40th year.
Part One of this updated volume, “Trends and Issues in Learning, Design, and Technology,” presents an array of chapters that develop some of the current themes listed above, in addition to others.
Journal of Memory and Language, 57(4), 596–615. Hayes, A. F., & Krippendorff, K. (2007). ... Inter-identity technologies for learning. ... A longitudinal study of joint attention and language development in autistic children.
Studies in Higher Education, 29(1), 75–89. May, D. B., & Etkina, E. (2002). College physics students' epistemological self-reflection and its relationship to conceptual learning. American Journal of Physics, 70(12), 1249–1258.
The 2009 edition will highlight innovative Trends and Issues in Learning Design and Technology, Trends and Issues in Information and Library Science, and features a section that lists and describes Media Related Organizations and ...
This latest edition, volume 37, from the Association for Education, Communication, and Technology (AECT) notes the most current trends in the field of learning design and technology, taking into account the implications for both formal and ...
"Instructional Media and Technologies for Learning" presents a complete range of media formats in terms of how they can be integrated into classroom instruction using the ASSURE model of lesson...