Presents a comprehensive research and reference guide on over one thousand publications, and contains a wide variety of information on children's and young adult literature, authors, and illustrators.
This landmark volume is the first to bring together leading scholarship on children's and young adult literature from three intersecting disciplines: Education, English, and Library and Information Science.
Electronic books have been on the children and young adult's literature scene for a number of years but with advances in the design, functioning and portability of digital readers we can expect continued interest in developing e-book ...
Thematic representation is central to children's and young adult literature; therefore, the study of themes is also vital to this book. As Jonathan Todres and Sarah Higinbotham explain, “the content of children's literature is crucial.
Annotated listing of fiction, folklore, poetry, and nonfiction by writers who identify themselves as American Indians. Brief information about the writers is provided.
Living with Books; The Art of Book Selection. ... 2nd ed. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Leigh, Robert D. 1950. The Public Library in the United States: The General ... Graphic Novels: A Genre Guide to Comic Books, Manga, and More.
an “angel” or a “monster.”1 Female purity in the nineteenth century was usually represented by “an angel in the house,”2 that is, the sort of woman depicted in conduct books since the eighteenth century: submissive, modest, and selfless ...
The Children's Literature Web Guide ( ~dkbrown) The Children's Literature Web Guide provides a list of Internet resources related to books for children and young adults. The site includes discussion boards, ...
A list of YA Bloggers can be found at: http://yabookblog However, some of our favorite ... this website offers a great deal of information about adult, children's, and young adult books.
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