This book starts the reader on a journey through time, with a short history of folding knives, leading to the evolution of the first switchblade. Progressing through time, wonderful photos illustrate the descriptions of switchblades. Throughout the book, highlighted sections showcase specific details that will be most helpful to collectors. Also included are facts about knifemakers styles, patterns, tang stamps, and a complete illustrated glossary. Contents Include: The first ever comprehensive publication about Italian switchblade knives, featuring knives and history from the late 1700s to the 1970s. Pictured within this hardbound book are nearly 200 beautiful photos and ephemera of the most unique and rarest Italian switchblades. Actual-size photos span more than two centuries of knifemaking history. Also pictured are catalog pages and advertisements, as well as historical photos. Extensive research has gone into this book to present never-before-published information which clears up and dispells many myths. Entire sections are dedicated to the most sought-after knifemaking companies, such as: Latama Coricama Mauro Mario Details about the knifemakers and businessmen involved behind the knives reveal who the major players shaping the switchblade industry and who made knives for other companies.
Haines Hunting Knife The Haines Model Hunting Knife was designed by Ashley A. Haines as a skinning, hunting, and camping knife. A full lang design, the knife has slag handle scales and was made with and without guard.
This is Gary Barnes ' Wizard knife — the gold - plated wizard with ivory robes is touching the blade to turn it into Damascus . It's concrete unreality . ( Porterfield photo ) This is Earl Black's slightly other - world knife , as you ...
German Military Fighting Knives, 1914-45
Fighting Knives: An Illustrated Guide to Fighting Knives and Military Survival Weapons of the World
Covers hand and power tools, kit knives, forging, handles, sheaths and pouches, polishing, sharpening, and knife care
This volume showcases blades of every class and style with more than 800 images along with descriptions of the makers who created them.
A comprehensive book on the care, making, choosing, and types of knives.
Knives, 1986
Internationally known knifemaker Bo Bergman takes readers through every step of knifemaking, from blade selection and sharpening, through crafting handles to creating and decorating sheaths of leather, bone, even wood.
An manual of over 400 photos with text which illustrate the knife making process.