Discusses the advantages of incentive-based pay plans, and covers base pay, incentive plan design, non-cash rewards, recognition, and management incentive plans
With the practical help this book provides (in both the human and technical arenas), you'll have a good start toward creating a pay environment that energizes employees, encourages innovation, and fuels growth for years to come.
This book looks at that assumption and evaluates the relatively limited current research on the effectiveness of the approach, making the case that more study is needed if investment of this sort is going to continue to grow.
Given the changes in the federal workforce over the last 30 years, there has been growing interest in reexamining the federal pay system—how pay is determined and how comparisons with other sectors are made.
Compilation of essays on outcomes-based funding, contracting, and financing for the social sector.
Practical guide to payment by result systems and practices, reflecting the experience of developed countries - deals with problems of choice and international trends; covers group work, individual and enterprise...
10 Undoubtedly , employees would rather not place future pay increases at risk , and companies with both above - average ... compensation system that ties pay to business outcomes and supports a participative management process .
Payment by Results
This book is a REALITY CHECK for coaches.
Constructive critique. This book provides a critical, evidence-based analysis of REDD+ implementation so far, without losing sight of the urgent need to reduce forest-based emissions to prevent catastrophic climate change.
This report presents an overview of performance-related pay policies (PRP) for government employees in selected OECD member countries over the past two decades.