Leading researchers in 30 nations describe the shared developmental, social, and educational issues facing deaf people filtered through the prism of unique national, regional, ethnic, and racial realities.
The book offers an overview of Deaf art, literature, history, and humor, and touches on political, social and cultural themes.
In K. Christensen (Ed.), Educa- tion deaf students in a multicultural world (pp. DC: Visual Language and Visual Learning Science of Learning Center. Garberoglio, C. L., Palmer, J., Cawthon, S., & 97–128). San Diego, CA: DawnSignPress.
Brien McCarthy , Catholic chaplain at Gallaudet University's Northwest Campus and at The American University . Because of The Deaf Way , he says , they have seen how deaf people in the United States have acquired certain rights related ...
Of these twenty countries , only seven are members of the EU . 28. See Branson and Miller 1997 , 93 . 29. See EUD 1997 . REFERENCES Branson , J. , and D. Miller . 1997. Sign Languages and the EU's Minority Language Policy : 157.
Describes the different approaches that are used to teach sign language to deaf people around the world.
In C. A. MacArthur, S. Graham, & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Handbook ofwriting research (pp. 11–27). New York: The Guilford Press. Olson, D. (1977). From utterance to text: The bias of language in speech and writing.
Clark, H., and E. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Collums, C. 1950. “Letter to the Open Forum.” Silent Worker 2:31. Coulter, E. M. 1942. James Jacobus Flournoy: Champion of the Common Man in ...
Mental Health Services for Deaf People: A Worldwide Perspective ; Proceedings of the 5th European & 2nd World Conference on...
In this updated edition of the landmark original volume, a range of international experts present a comprehensive overview of the field of deaf studies, language, and education.
Argues that deaf Americans consider English secondary to American Sign Language, and have hence developed their own culture of behavior, values, beliefs, and expression within mainstream culture.