One hundred seventy period inns are presented, each reflecting a hospitality that brings guests back again. The inns listed date from the colonial period to the 1950s. One special index lists inns near white-water rafting. 175 line drawings, six locator maps, indexes.
The basis for Garvey's wide popularity was his appeal to race pride at a time when Negroes generally had so little of which to be proud . The strain and stress of living in hostile urban communities created a state of mind upon which ...
Photographs, drawings, maps, and descriptive text provide a tour of fifty natural wonderlands in America and provide insight into their wildlife and attractions
In visiting a rice plantation, my object was not so much to satisfy myself that the slave-owners of America are kind to their negroes, as to satisfy the public opinion...
The Americans: The colonial experience. v. 2. The national experience. v. 3. The democratic experience
The Valuation of Hotels and Motels
Vivid colors, delicate stonework, and opulent décor are the trademarks of the palaces, forts, and mansions of India’s maharajas. With their vast marble halls, jewel-box mirrored rooms, mosaics, and tapestries,...
Discusses food service in colonial and revolutionary America, the advent of fine dining, eating out in the old west, conspicuous consumption in the late nineteenth century, foods introduced by immigrants,...
The Karen Brown Guides have been trusted by travellers for over 20 years for their warm, engaging, and up to date reviews of the finest inns and small hotels in...