One hundred twenty-six of the most romantic inns in the country--great for honeymooners, celebrants of anniversaries, promotions, Valentine's Day, and those simply seeking a great getaway.
Guide to the Recommended Country Inns of New England
Guide to Recommended Country Inns of New England
This comprehensive guide features detailed profiles of New England's very best country inns.
Guide to the Recommended Country Inns of the West Coast: California, Oregon, Washington
Features romantic inns worth visiting giving you the most value for your money Full descriptions provide the most up-to-date information available
Recommended Country Inns: Mid-Atlantic and Chesapeake Region: Delaware/Maryland/New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania/Virginia/Washington, D.C./West Virginia
One hundred seventy period inns are presented, each reflecting a hospitality that brings guests back again. The inns listed date from the colonial period to the 1950s. One special index...
How to get there : From the Long Island Expressway take Exit 62 and proceed north on Nichols Road to 25 A. Turn left at the stoplight , go to the second stoplight , and turn right onto Main Street . The inn lies straight ahead in the ...
Guide to the Recommended Country Inns of New England