This is a stunning collection of original quilts - all using the same colour & design guidelines, but each totally unique! In a burst of creativity, Sharyn Craig and Pamela Mostek - both highly respected and popular quilters - challenged each other to make eight quilts using specific design and colour guidelines. Because each designer brings their own unique style, the results are spectacularly different - in fact, each of the designs on the front cover come from the same challenge! "Quilt Challenge" not only features gorgeous and inspirational full-colour photographs of each of the finished quilts, but also gives readers a rare glimpse into the creative process of two top designers.
Karen K. Stone's dazzling quilts have won awards, magazine covers, and fans for a decade. At last, you can learn how Karen does it, and how you can too.
This book is so much more than a book of quilt projects and patterns. Written by Karen Dever, the book is dedicated to all the servicemen and women of the past, present, and future as they protect our country.
80 Royal Star Quilt , LAC , 151 N Needles and Pins * , 8 Night and Noon , McC , 16 Night Star * , 16 Nine Patch , Hall , 60 Nine Patch Variation , H ( Plate 2 ) , 28 Nirvana * , 56 Timeless * , 22 Town Square * , 7 Trellis * , 6 Turbo ...
45 ° DIAMONDS The 45 ° diamond has four equal sides and angles of 45 ° and 135 ° . This is the diamond found in LeMoyne Stars , Lone Stars , and many other blocks . Although a diamond is not readily drawn on graph paper , it is no ...
Then cut diamond template from illustration , and from this cut as many diamonds as desired from the three contrast lawns . Place these in a cube shape as illustrated , and sew together . When the cubes are finished , pin them in ...
Polly Prindle's Book of American Patchwork Quilts
Wear a thimble on the middle finger of the right hand ( if right - handed ) . ... used to using a thimble , persevere - it will soon become perfectly comfortable and you will be able to quilt quickly and without damage to your fingers .
Blended Quilts from in the Beginning
The traditional Lost Ships block seemed the perfect way to remember my beloved cousin , Robert Clayton , lost in a whitewater rafting accident in June 1995. There are forty - one ships , one for each year of his life , made from all the ...
This is the simplest type of quilt you can make, but with carefully chosen coordinating patterns and colours, the results can be stunning. Carolyn Forster's quilt designs are beautiful, contemporary and inspirational with wide appeal.