Born in Poland in 1878, educator, physician, and legendary child advocate Janusz Korczak believed that simply understanding children is the key to being able to take care of them. It’s a basic premise too often overlooked. This collection of one hundred quotations and passages from Korczak’s writings provides valuable advice on how to take care of, respect, and love every child. In an inviting gift-book format, this is a heartfelt and helpful reminder of who we were as children and who we might become as parents.
This does not make any adult or any child a lesser person. My belief is that this book will target children 2 to 9 years of age. This book's context re-enforces that every child deserves to be loved.
Now they tried harder than ever to persuade Korczak to leave the ghetto and save himself; they arranged escape routes, false papers, safe houses. But he steadfastly refused to desert his children, although he knew the end was coming.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough!"--Shefali Tsabary, Ph.D. NY Times bestselling author of The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family"Wow, wow, wow. This book is mind-blowing!
Here in exquisite two-page spreads, each artists celebrates basic right children should have, as set down in the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child.
“Without a new computer, Taylor won't be able to take advan- tage of the latest educational programs. He'll be left behind. He won't have the leg up the other kids have.” The idea of giv- ing our kids everything to get ahead starts ...
Examines how children from different countries around the world live and how their lives differ from children elsewhere, including issues such as access to water, healthcare, and education.
Whether you are a beginner or a pro, the expert advice in this book is certain to help you become a better, more efficient hunter.
Powerful and practical, this book will support you as you change your classroom for the better while helping you to understand how to overcome current classroom cultures where some children learn and many learn to hate reading.” ...
Within this book are 100 ways you can establish healthy routines, great conversations and a home environment that will allow you to truly discover 'the potential in every child'.
This is true story about real people is set in Edinburgh City and Dundee, where a petite Scottish Lassie called Rosie Gilmour, mother to Finlay Sinclair, receives news of the death of her son - who tragically has taken his own life by ...