The Comprehensive NCLEX-RN Review 19th Edition
This innovative book prepares students for the NCLEX-PN exam with thorough content review and 3,000 practice questions.
The Comprehensive NCLEX-PN Review 19th Edition
(From Hockenberry M, Wilson D: Wong's nursing care of infants and children, ed 9, St. Louis, 2011, Mosby.) Atrial septal defect Figure 30-3 Atrial septal defect. (From Hockenberry M, Wilson D: Wong's nursing care of infants and children ...
The Comprehensive NCLEX®-RN Review 18th Edition
Updated to reflect the latest NCLEX-PN test plan, this complete review is a perennial favorite of students preparing for the NCLEX. More than 4,500 practice questions are included in the book and the Evolve companion website.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Ultimate...
This unique review book organizes questions according to Client Needs, the areas covered in the latest NCLEX examination test plan.
A revision of the popular Mosby's Rapid Review Series, this book provides essential, need-to-know material for both course study and NCLEX-RN® test preparation. This series helps students prepare for both...
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