This handbook for elementary and secondary school principals contains several chapters on topics important to building level administrators. Each chapter summarizes relevant state and federal court decisions and statutes, concluding with recommendations for practice. The handbook is divided into four sections: students and the law, special education and the law, teachers and the law, and school and the law. The first section contains seven chapters on topics covering the First (expression), Fourth (search and seizure), and Fourteenth (procedural and substantive due process) Amendments; student discipline; child abuse; student-to-student sexual harassment; and student records. The second section contains seven chapters on topics that cover the federal laws protecting students with disabilities and recent relevant cases in which the courts have interpreted those statutes as they apply to student discipline and transition, parents' rights, infectious diseases, and physical access. The third section contains seven chapters covering topics related to teachers' rights and responsibilities: student injury, sexual harassment, academic freedom, performance evaluations, documentation and dismissal, and certification (licensure). The final section contains 10 chapters covering a variety of legal issues which principals commonly face: religious activities and instruction, copyright, affirmative action, school desegregation, and finance. The section also covers charter schools and alternative dispute resolution, and ends with a chapter on new directions in school law. The fifty-one authors of the chapters are either practicing attorney, professors of education, or university administrators who teach and write in the area of school law. (PKP)
「工欲善其事,必先利其器」。古有明訓。初學者若不諳研究方法,縱有絕佳題目、充實材料,亦有無法下筆之難;渠如能於撰稿之前,掌握方法訣竅,寫作過程較能順利,即使遭遇 ...
Education for Democracy: Citizenship, Community, Service : a Sourcebook for Students and Teachers
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act Amendments of 1990 (Perkins II) mandate significant changes in federal vocational education policy. Among these is the introduction of an...
Aimed at parents of and advocates for special needs children, explains how to develop a relationship with a school, monitor a child's progress, understand relevant legislation, and document correspondence and...
Section 504 and Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Determining Eligibility, Developing Accommodation Plans, and Documenting Compliance
The 1994 High School Transcript Study (HSTS) provides the Department of Education and other policymakers with information about current course offerings and students' course-taking patterns in the nation's secondary schools....
This thoughtful and engaging memoir opens up a previously hidden side to what many consider the most important Supreme Court decision of the twentieth century. With quiet candor Paul Wilson...
Now in its third edition, this book reflects the extraordinary growth in "the law of higher education" and the accompanying rise in scholarship and commentary on higher education law and...
The author, writing on behalf of Hoover's Koret task Force on K-12 Education, presents a convincing case that, despite the controversy it has ignited, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)...