Torts: Casebook Edition Keyed to Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, Torts Casebook (9th Ed. 1994)

Torts: Casebook Edition Keyed to Prosser, Wade & Schwartz, Torts Casebook (9th Ed. 1994)
Aspen Publishers
Steven Emanuel, William Behr


The other is a special Casebook Edition, geared specifically To The Prosser, Wade & Schwartz casebook (9th edition). ------------------------------------------------ Special features: At the end of each chapter, special Exam Tips on how to spot the key issues, what's most frequently tested, how to structure and phrase your answers . . . And more an up-to-date capsule summary summarizing the entire subject for night-before-the-exam review Essay, short-answer, and MBE-style multiple-choice exam questions and answers to completely drill the concepts into your head Tables (Cases and Restatement References) and Subject-Matter Index --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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