Users of this extensive guide will soon find that their knowledge of the area exceeds their expectations. The compilation offers very candid descriptions of the numerous hotels, reviews of restaurants and their sample dishes-including those with the traditional Mexican and Tex-Mex fare, and lots of entertaining things to see and do around town. Everyone should be able to find something of interest in this city-especially with the monthly special events listing that is included. Visitors will not be the only ones with newfound wisdom. New residents can smooth their transition by being informed beforehand. Neighborhoods, important phone numbers, public transportation, as well as schools and churches are discussed. And San Antonio's most famous attraction, The Alamo, is by no means forgotten. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Yves Gerem, no stranger to the Lone Star State, is the editor of A Marmac Guide to Dallas and A Marmac Guide to Fort Worth and Arlington, both published by Pelican. Also available are A Marmac Guide to Atlanta, A Marmac Guide to Houston and Galveston, A Marmac Guide to Los Angeles, A Marmac Guide to New Orleans, and A Marmac Guide to Philadelphia.
In this updated edition, all relevant information about accommodations, schedules, and welcome distractions accompanies new outlets for shopping, dining, and attending cultural events.
Atlanta Symphony Center in Georgia . Some critics accuse him of being self - indulgent and exhibitionistic . Calatrava received the Meadows Foundation's $ 50,000 Algur H. Meadows Award for excellence in the arts at a formal dinner on ...
There are also a number of theaters in Atlanta which show current and re - released films at surprisingly low prices for all shows , among them : Brannon Square , Brannon Square in North Fulton ; ( 770 ) 986-5050 .
It will transport you to New Orleans . McCormick & Schmick's ( CI ) , 1151 Uptown Park Blvd .; 713-8407900 ; . E. Located in a new upscale shopping center , this outpost of the Portland , Oregon - based ...
It can be said that Fort Worth began on the bluffs and the county government has been headquartered there for more than 135 years , according to Roark in her 1995 Fort Worth's Legendary Landmarks . When Fort Worth became the county seat ...
M - E . In a make - believe New Orleans house at make - believe Disney , you'll be surprised how " real New Orleans " the jazz and gumbo can be . The two - story house is really three restaurants in one with a charming central courtyard ...
THE MARMAC GUIDE SERIES A MARMAC GUIDE TO ATLANTA 10th Edition Edited by Linda E. Clopton 264 pp . 5 % x 844 18 photos 7 maps ( including 2 color flap maps ) Index 10th ed . ISBN : 1-56554-817-5 $ 14.95 pb A MARMAC GUIDE TO DALLAS By ...
... 7.95 Marmac Guide to Houston and Galveston Marmac Guide to Atlanta Marmac Guide to Philadelphia Marmac Guide to Los Angeles Marmac Guide to New Orleans Pelican Guide to New Orleans Pelican Guide to Plantation Homes of Louisiana ...
A Marmac Guide to Los Angeles
... Dallas . ** Hermann Square in front of City Hall was a gift to Houston from philanthropist George Hermann , with the stipulation that it always would remain a refuge park for transients and the like . He had trouble getting his hands ...